Wooden buildings can last 500 years

Wooden buildings can last 500 years

USA Designed to withstand strong earthquakes and last for 500 years, ZGF Architects' PAE Living building is an example of sustainable design.

How are hydroelectric dams built?

How are hydroelectric dams built?

The Three Gorges Dam is the largest hydroelectric dam in the world today. When built, the dam flooded a total area of ​​more than 63,131 hectares of land with 42 billion tons of water

How the Dutch use Big Data and real-time analytics to manage water resources

How the Dutch use Big Data and real-time analytics to manage water resources

The Netherlands is proud to have one of the most advanced water management networks in the world. With more than 27% of the country below sea level, the Netherlands boasts one of the most sophisticated and advanced water management networks in the world. More than 5,000 kilometers of waterways run across the country

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